I think you got my point?
And I think you ought to redo the math.
at 180 FPS it would take 1/3 of a second to reach the target 3x60=180
if you were to increase the speed by 4 fps then 1/3 of four feet would be 1.3 feet. That's a little off, of course, because its more complicated than that, but its close enough for instinctive archery.
If you need that difference in speed to achieve the results you desire, that's fine. If the cost is insignificant, that's even better. If there are OTHER compelling reasons other than speed to buy them, like quietness, ease of draw, then that's even more justification.
But someone in this thread stated that the increase of 4 fps better performance in terms of speed alone was a justification for purchasing the limbs.
If MY MATH is right that is a .022% increase and all I was observing was that I wasn't sure without other mitigating factors it was worth a big difference in price.
Your response is just like those on broadhead threads where people say " 95 dollars for three broadheads??" and someone gets upset because THEY spent the money ....spend what you like...but it is OK for me to comment on it with a different take, right?