I shot one years and years ago in a pond, but never on the wing. I was only 14 I think but we were camping and I was HUNGRY.
I shot it in the shallows and jumped in after it so it wouldn't get away. Then onto the open fire on a spit...delicious. Shooting it of a dock might have been easier though :p .
I also caught one with my fly rod (true story in fact my daughter still talks about that one).
I was flyfishing of a dock (how convienient) and this duck swims by. I asked my daughter if she has ever seen a duck up close. Nope - so I casted and hooked it under the wing (barbless hooks) and brought her in flapping. That duck just sat there while we petted it and then I let her go....well she got in the reeds and gave it to me..whack whack whack whack....what a comotion
I also caught a bat and a muskrat and a beaver on the flyrod too.....every once in awhile I actualy get FISH...
Jer Bear