Couple of questions:
New longbow likes the following arrow set-up’s so far…still doing testing, bow is 55 @ 29” and not cut to center but close.
Arrow # 1 is a Beman MFX Classic 500, 30.5” with a 125 grain point. Total arrow weight is 445 grains and which gives it a grains per pound of 8.1.
Arrow #2 is an Easton Axis 400, 30.5” with a 100 grain brass adaptor and 200 grain point. Total arrow weight is 630 grains for a grain’s per pound of 11.5.
Both seem to shoot well and I’ve ordered two dozen Easton Axis shafts, since I got a good deal on them. This will be what I will probably use going forward with this bow. My dilemma is I love the way the bow shoots arrow number #1…it smokes the arrow and I have a ton of them (granted I have a bunch of 400 coming also…yes I know I have a problem
). I’m concerned they are to light for the set-up, the bow shoots them quiet and I don’t notice any vibration just concerned they’re too light.
Another question…they just started making break-apart brass HIT inserts where you can add either 50 or 75 grains to an arrow and shoot a lighter point. The reason I like this is I have a ton of broadhead that weight 150 grains and they would shoot great with 150 grains of brass in the 400’s. Plus the 145 grain field points pull easier from the target and fit the shaft better. But I could make up some 200 grain broadhead combo’s so I know I’ll make it work either way. Would you stay with the 100 grain adaptor and find a 200 grain head or add the 50 and shoot what you have?
Just rambling on sorry!