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Author Topic: Archery in New Jersey  (Read 1735 times)

Offline Ssamac

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Archery in New Jersey
« on: March 20, 2009, 08:56:00 PM »
Might be asked by my company to move to New Jersey.  It's a promotion, but I would hate to give up my home in rural Illinois, open ground, etc. I can practice right out of my back door.
Anyway, how hard is it to find places to shoot around the Morristown area?

Any good groups?


Online BUCKY

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2009, 09:33:00 PM »
Don't do it!It is cheaper to live out there.

Offline Dave Bowers

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2009, 11:00:00 PM »
Morristown north NJ or Morristown southern NJ?

Either way legally you cannot shoot any where in NJ except a range. That's mean no stumpin.

If you dont have to do it...dont   :knothead:

Offline Recurve50 LBS

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2009, 11:30:00 PM »
I'm about 10 miles north of Morristown in Morris County. There is a WMA in the area that is pretty large and has lots of deer.

If you are looking for an archery range there is one in Chester Township at the Black River WMA. That is about 10 miles west of Morristown.

I practice shooting my bow in my back yard.
Larry W.

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Offline Ssamac

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2009, 12:34:00 AM »
So Larry how can you do it? I know that the gun laws in NJ are crazy I'm sure you can't just go outside and shoot. And Bucky, that's a big concern. Not just the cost. The company will equalize that. But that everything that should be free costs. It's a different world for sure.


Offline Sharpster

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2009, 07:47:00 AM »
HI Sam,

Welcome in advance to "The People's Republic".

Just kiddin, yea, it's expensive to live here and gun laws are pretty tight but depending on where you live, there are places here where you can just go out and shoot in your backyard. Especially bows. Firearms can indeed be shot on private land outside of most city limits.

Jersey gets a bad rap, and some of it is deserved but, we have tons of deer, turkeys, and probably the densest population of black bears anywhere on the planet. (no, we can't hunt the pretty bears).

Archery season starts in September most places and runs pretty much through the end of January.

We also have some very good fishing, both fresh and saltwater. You can drive NJ from top to bottom in 3 hours so, anything you feel like doing can be done in day trips.

Morristown is nice enough but, if you want to see some beautifull country, look a bit farther north at Sussex and Warren counties. You can be in Morristown from either in about an hours commute. (traffic permtting).   :)

Oh yea, up north here we have about a guzillion acres of public hunting land, both state and federal.

My Mom's a real estate agent who grew up here in "rural" NJ, if you need one send me a pm. Welcome again,

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Offline southpawshooter

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2009, 08:22:00 AM »
shhhhhhhhhhhh Ron - Sussex county is supposed to be a secret, LOL.........

Seriously, northern NJ is nothing like you see on the Sopranos - parts are pretty rural.
Scott F >>--->   @

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Offline bentpole

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2009, 08:39:00 AM »
Sam, didn't you ever watch the HBO Show the Soprano's!!?? Just kiddin'.That's my Bud BUCKY too. Let me say this Larry [Recurve 50LBS] and Ron said we have tons of deer here.20 Years ago we did. There's almost as many bear as deer here in Soprano Land now. Yes we cannot hunt them. There are many Bunny Huggers in Jersey.I live in Morris County too. I shoot in my back yard. Is it legal? Not really. Town laws consider a bow and arrow as a "firearm,loaded weapon" Not supposed to discharge a loaded weapon in town.   New Jersey is a very densely populated  state. Over the years with all the building; commercial and residential it seems the deer are in peoples backyards more than on Wildlife Management Areas. Don't get me wrong there are many chances to bag a deer in Jersey,With a tremendous amount of State and Federal Land.Check the Archives here for our Winter Bow Escapades. The Early Bow season starts the second Saturday of September and goes until the third Saturday in February in some Zones.With all the permits you can buy; shotgun ,muzzleloader doe tags [for shotgun] plus the long bow season you can see why the deer herd in Jersey isn't what it used to be. Are there Big Deer in Jersey some. They get educated real quick and become nocturnal, just like any where else. Best chance to bag one? Permit Bow when the Rut and Pheasant Season opens.Up where Ron lives is my piece of Heaven. Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Corn fields after cornfields . Must be kind of like where you live. The Feds lease the land to farmers so they plant corn on it. Nice. Just not as many deer as in the 80's. Still there though. Alot of Bear too. Now there are alot of Trad Shooters here too I belong to Traditional Archers of New Jersey. There's also a club call The United Bow Hunters of New Jersey.We have some good Trad Shoots here in Jersey too . We do have a pretty famous Bowyer here too. Allegheny Mountain Bows right in Sparta. We used to have a great all Trad Shop here too. We still have a "double breasted shop" close to where you will be living.I have been living here all of my 54 years.Lots of taxes here. You can make a living here. However, when I retire I don't think I would be able to afford to live here. I'm considering New Mexico and down South myself. Let me know if I can be of further assistance! Thanks Tom bentpole

Offline imskippy

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2009, 08:48:00 AM »
I've lived here all my life (a whopping 32 years) Grew up in Kinnelon about 15 minutes from morristown, now live in Vernon(Sussex County) There is plenty of Hunting and fishing opprtunity to be had here. If they're sending you to work in Morristown you'll definitely want to commute in. What is it you do for work? Heading a little west or north will get you some good property at somewhat reasonable prices. It is definitely expensive to live here and yes everything that should be free costs more. Especially if our bunghole governor passes his new budget! Take care and good luck with the decision or the move. I would say come out and check it out before hand if you can and let us know I'm sure a bunch of us will show you around. Skippy
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Offline bentpole

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2009, 08:55:00 AM »
Sam, I have to add if your into sailing like it says on your profile. You can be at the famous Jersey Shore from Morristown in anywhere from an hour[ Sandy Hook]  to 3 hours [Cape May} . Or one of our big lakes Greenwood or Lake Hopatcong.

Offline Renaissance Man

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2009, 09:54:00 AM »
Just my 2cents, been here all my life, have raised a family here. Live in Hunterdon County about 35 minutes from Morristown.
Yes it has great people, you can earn a good living and yes the state has some good hunting and fishing.
But there is way to many people, you will need to find private land to have a good undisturbed hunt except if you get back in the woods in some of the more remote sections of Sussex or southern NJ.
Also we here call it the Peoples Republic of Nj for a reason, it is run by extremely liberal people and they have no concept of things like silly Constitutions and Liberty unless it has to do with them.
You can earn a good income but you will need to get out as soon as possible afterwards to keep any of it and you will have to pay an exit tax here in when you sell your home and leave the state^%(%%$(^)^
You will miss your open ground.
Good luck and if I can help you with any info PM me and I will be there. That really is the good thing about Jersey, we do have good people in most areas, lots and lots of them!


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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2009, 10:36:00 AM »
Originally posted by Dave Bowers:
Morristown north NJ or Morristown southern NJ?

Either way legally you cannot shoot any where in NJ except a range. That's mean no stumpin.

If you dont have to do it...dont    :knothead:  
On public land.. You can stump on private land.


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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2009, 10:39:00 AM »


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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2009, 10:41:00 AM »
Originally posted by Sharpster:
HI Sam,

Welcome in advance to "The People's Republic".

Just kiddin, yea, it's expensive to live here and gun laws are pretty tight but depending on where you live, there are places here where you can just go out and shoot in your backyard. Especially bows. Firearms can indeed be shot on private land outside of most city limits.

Jersey gets a bad rap, and some of it is deserved but, we have tons of deer, turkeys, and probably the densest population of black bears anywhere on the planet. (no, we can't hunt the pretty bears).

Archery season starts in September most places and runs pretty much through the end of January.

We also have some very good fishing, both fresh and saltwater. You can drive NJ from top to bottom in 3 hours so, anything you feel like doing can be done in day trips.

Morristown is nice enough but, if you want to see some beautifull country, look a bit farther north at Sussex and Warren counties. You can be in Morristown from either in about an hours commute. (traffic permtting).      :)    

Oh yea, up north here we have about a guzillion acres of public hunting land, both state and federal.

My Mom's a real estate agent who grew up here in "rural" NJ, if you need one send me a pm. Welcome again,

( Near the end of February not January. Also Sunday hunting for Bow only just passed and you can be with in the 450 law that is now 150')

Offline Renaissance Man

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2009, 11:42:00 AM »
I don't believe either of those have been signed into law now. Hopefully

Offline pdk25

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2009, 11:51:00 AM »
You will probably have to do a little more work to find a place to shoot in NJ than you are used to, but it can be done.  If you don't mind bending the rules, you can stump shoot most of the year on public ground.  Groundhog season is in, now, for example.  Only problem is that the way the law is written, you have to use broadheads.  I go out all of the time and have never had a problem yet.

Offline Jerry Jeffer

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2009, 12:02:00 PM »
I know a few little nooks that no one will mess with you for stumpin and maybe even a deer around Morristown. If you make the move, I'll be glad to show you.
I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.

Offline bentpole

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2009, 12:24:00 PM »
The Governor still has to vote on those issues. SOOOO e-mail your Gov!

Offline Ssamac

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2009, 01:31:00 PM »
Thansk to Ron, Dave, Bucky, Scott, Skip, Tom, Sal,Bill, and yes I'll look you all up. Here's the thing. I grew up in NYC and moved to "suburban" Connecticut which is just a cleaned up NYC with a lawn. I moved out here with the family in 1990 and never looked back. Love being able to shoot through the greenhouse all winter, have a mini 3D range set up in the yard, etc. I can hunt deer with the bow in city limits. I am familiar with NJ. Lot of family there. I've sailed around Barnegat Bay and Sandy hook and it cost plenty back then and more now. I can store my boat next to my garage where I live but not in Morristown. Western Jersey would be ok but if I take the position, I can't be an hour away commute.
What I hope to do is do this gig for 2-3 years, let the company rent an apt for me and come home every couple of weeks. That would make more sense. So what I need is a nearby range and then a nice place to drive to and shoot on the weekend. Sound crazy?

Offline Ssamac

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Re: Archery in New Jersey
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2009, 01:32:00 PM »
Jerry thanks again. My only hope is that I know the Trad Gang will come through for me as best as they can.

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