I have known many people who where lousy shots,-but still, enjoyed, and in many cases, had more fun w/ archery, 3d shoots etc. than others I have known who were crack shots. Really, the idea here is to have as much fun as possible,- posting some score, is not all that important. Enjoy the flight of the arrow, the woods, and the company of those around you, and you'll get the best of it anyway. She probably tenses up some,(alot?) at 3d shoots, --she likely would have more fun if she approached them as great "stump" shooting targets-- don't keep score,-- she likely will hit more anyway. If posting some score is all that important to her, -- this stump shoot approach, is a great way to experience a mind set, that she can use if she wants to post competive scores some time in the future. Maintaining DOWN RANGE focus is always, to a greater and lesser degree, a primary challenge of effective instinctive shooting. The quality of this down range focus is the first thing to suffer, when people shoot 3D--leading to bad results. When the whole thing becomes somewhat "judgemental" - the focus is shifted away from the "down range" to the SELF - now its an EGO thing--the result is tension, and trying to force the shot,rather than letting it happen. Just let em fly, like you would at play stump shooting--a childs mind at play . Ive shot 100's of 3d events- This is the best way to have the most fun and as it turns out, shoot a whole lot better.