Eclipe makes among the very best heads, so you're great there. No matter how large or small the "big game," a pass-through the lung area is what you're after, as it speeds the dying from bleeding-out to oxygen-starvation to the brain. Check out the wonderful Ashby research on this site -- forget about "bleeder blades" and size of wound channel, and go for a pass-through under the worst possible hit situation -- deadcenter a shoulder blade. A strong two-blade head and the heaviest arrow you can shoot accurately at your normal max range. Consider: With both lungs punctured and the arrow passed through and out of the way, both lungs collapse and the brain dies almost instantly. This works on elk, so will work on pigs and whiteys. Everyone has his favorites, and many kills are nicely made with multi-blade heads. But you asked, as I take it, for the all-around best-bet deal. Two-blade is it. Reas Ashby and best luck to you.