I went to Ga this past weekend with Reed. We had to run an errand in Edison, Ga on Saturday and took the opportunity to check out a new lease near Macon as well. We had the Treadways along since we had hunting opportunities in both places; pigs in Edison and turkeys in Macon.

We took care of business in Edison and headed out on the farm to roust out some hogs.

Most of Georgia had just been under flood, tornado, and storm warnings and the creeks and ponds were way up. I was hoping that the high water would also push the pigs out of the swamps. The first thing that we stumbled onto was this guy.

He had a bad attitude so Reed introduced him to a Magnus.
We continued easing along the creeks and drainages and soon stumbled upon a group of around 15 hogs. We stalked them for over an hour and a half and were within 15 yards of them on at least two occasions, but could not shoot due to the thick foliage.
We tried for hogs again n Sunday morning and struck out so we loaded up and headed north to Macon.
We scouted out the new lease and did some stump shooting. Reed's favorite "stumps" are ant hills. He is sick like that.

We set up a treestand for deer hunting in the fall and a double bull for turkey hunting on Monday morning and then went back to set up camp.

We struck out on turkeys on Monday morning, but had a good time anyway. Here is Reed posing in his double bull.

It was a cold morning with a heavy frost and it was a joy to be in the woods. After the hunt we broke camp and came home. We stopped at a historic marker a few miles from camp and learned about the Battle of Griswaldville. Reed has stopped asking why we always stop at historic markers and has started pointing them out.

It was a geat weekend outdoors and I felt lucky to share it with my son.