Those bolts that Frank posted are beautiful in my opinion, as are the two sets he and Shell made for me. I can understand why others may think the bulk or boldness of the bolts detracts from the lines of their bows, but it is difficult for me to understand how someone who appreciates wildlife and the outdoors could not appreciate the looks of the antler burrs or the craftsmanship that Frank and Shell put into these little works of art. I thank God that He made us all unique with different tastes so that we can have diversity in life and not be always battling to get the same scarce resources. If everyone liked the same bows, I wouldn't have been able to buy most of mine, and I'm sure someone else would have ended up with my wife besides me. I know there are plenty of us around who appreciate the beauty of these limb bolts without us having to be concerned that a some among us do not like them. There are some objects that people here on TG get that they love and are very proud to own, while I don't care for those objects and have no desire to own them myself. Nothing wrong with different tastes -- or as the song goes, "Different strokes for different folks."