Autum Archer, Let me answere your questions; Regarding the environment and possible demise of the p. bear, I have a local news paper article that cites the P bear population is so closely monitored these days with tagging, lip tattoo's, GPS coordiates citing locations and sightings, cub counts, ect... the population has grown from 8,000 to 25,000 P bears. The Inuits say from their experience, there is no change in temp, it is as cold as it has always been. While the months of Jan and Feb are not as cold as they were, the months of Mar and April are colder thatn they ever were. They do not buy the concept of global Warming and laugh about how ridiculous that whole idea is.
Every town I visited was so freindly, it was not uncommon to have every other or every third person you walked by stop, hold their hand and introduce themselves and say welcome to our town. Are you a hunter, yes I would say and they were happy I was there to hunt Polar bears. It is the life blood of the community. I almost felt like a celebrity or something.
We can all do our part by supporting our national organizations ( NRA, P & Y, Compton's, PBS ect..) and informing our politicians of our feelings about hunting and these issues we have close to our hearts. I hope more will turn out and join our fight to make hunting safe and a sport we can pass on for generations to come.