As someone who makes their living in manufacturing,it is great to see some support for products made here.
Buying raw materials that are not available here is necessary and is not the problem.A product made here using these materials is still USA made and someone earns a living by producing the product.
The problem is foreign labor. Even at minimum wage there is no way that Americans can compete with Chinese wages. In our industry we are competing with .19 per hour wages for less skilled labor and $ 1.00 per hour for the most skilled.This is for heavy precision machining.Quality has gone out the window. Most parts coming in require 100% inspection and rework with many being scrapped.
Government regs are also a problem but many are necessary but not observed there. We have safety and EPA regs, and rightfully so, that employers here must comply with. Safety is of no concern there and they continue to spew tons of polutants into the air and water that will someday effect us all.
What few products produced here that are exported to these countries are burdend with heavy taxes. U.S manufacturers who chose to have parts produced overseas are allowed to bring them into this country usually duty free as long as it is not an assemled product. Once again we lose.
Greed is at the heart of it all.
Look at what we have seen recently. Anti freeze in tooth paste, lead paint in childrens toys, tires that suddenly blow due to inferior workmanship,and the list goes on. Any one of these things would shut an American company down but we continue to import all we can.
Call it protectionism if you want but all the American worker wants is a level playing field.
This country must produce to survive.We can't all work in sales or service when there is no one left to buy.Manufacturing is the backbone of this country and more is disappearing daily.
God forbid that we should see another world war but in the past manufacturers of all products tooled up and made necessary war related items. Who will we out source these products to when we can no longer produce them ourselves. China? Korea? South Vietnam? Lets hope they are on our side and the quality of their products are better than what we have seen.
It certainly is time to buy American when possible. As you look around you will find that this can be difficult to do. Insisting on American products when possible is the only way to turn this around. Our government isn't going to change this. Big business isn't going to bury the greed out of patriotism. The only one who can make a difference is the consumer.
For those of you who have lost your jobs to these countries and for those of us who see more of ours go every day this topic hits real close to home.
Take care,