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Author Topic: Getting in shape...Total Gym?  (Read 3909 times)

Offline MikeW

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Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« on: April 06, 2009, 02:26:00 PM »
OK here is the deal I have a few goals I want to obtain.
1. Loose 50 lbs.
2. Build up to pull more bow weight.
(currently shooting 53#,want to move up to 60#)
3. Get in shape for an Elk hunt this year.

I just turned 50 and I am pretty out of shape and have been for a least 10 years. I'm also in the process of quitting cigarettes after 35 years of smoking(day 3 smoke free) and cutting processed sugar,wheat,white flour and HFC from my diet, in other words everything I like to eat.

I plan on walking and jogging 3 miles a day at least 2 times a week. I know free weights are probably the way to go but I also know they are boring and I won't have the motivation to stay with them.

I'm really looking hard at the "Total Trainer" by Bayou Fitness which is the same thing a the "Total Gym" you see on late night TV just better built and cheaper. I think it's something I would actually use and stay with.

Any input from you fitness gurus on this type of home gym? Or from anyone that has one?

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Offline Biggie Hoffman

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2009, 02:45:00 PM »
Go get a complete physical BEFORE you start.
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Offline Jeremy

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2009, 02:49:00 PM »
Why not a Bowflex?  ;)
>>>-TGMM Family Of The Bow-->
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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2009, 02:50:00 PM »
Well, After buying two different coat racks- excuse me - treadmills, and trying free weights at home, by far the best for me has been a membership at a fitness center. They have enough different machines so it does not get boring. Plus to prepare for elk-hunting in the mountains they had the stair-climbers or whatever they are called. I think it cost me 20-30 dollars a month ( at the local hospital), and I could fit it in on my lunch-hour. Just my take on it, but I see an awful lot of exercise machines for sale at garage sales. And it did work for me. Good luck and stick with what ever you choose.
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Offline Whip

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2009, 02:53:00 PM »
Good suggestion Biggie.

Mike, first of all, congratulations on kicking the butts out!  I know it's early, but that is the best move you can make.  It sure sounds like you have the right idea to turn your life around, and plenty of very big goals will be quite a challenge.  But they ARE acheivable!  Get that physical, start slow, and work your way up to where you need to be.  One step and one day at a time.

Hunting in the mountains was the motivation I finally needed to kick the cigarettes years ago, and I know I wouldn't be doing the things I am now if I hadn't done that.  Keeping the weight off is still an ongoing challenge every year, but I just have to keep working at that!
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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2009, 03:00:00 PM »
Originally posted by MikeW:

I plan on walking and jogging 3 miles a day at least 2 times a week. I know free weights are probably the way to go but I also know they are boring and I won't have the motivation to stay with them.

MikeW, I really applaud you on your decisions!  I'm no fitness guru, but if I could make one recommendation it would be to walk/jog four or five times a week instead of only two.  If you've only got time for two walks, that's definitely better than nothing, but I think you'll see more improvements with more cardio vs. free weights.  I'm not saying to drop the weights, but increase the walking/jogging.  Good luck to you!
TGMM Family of the Bow

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2009, 03:00:00 PM »
Have you taken a physical lately? What’s your doctor say about your ambitions?

Built better and cheaper usually don’t go together.
TGMM Family of the Bow   A member since 6/5/09

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2009, 03:16:00 PM »
      You know I gave up the cigs last August, If I can do it I know you can! The only downside is the 20 pounds that found me! I have been jogging every other day for almost a month now the first day I didn't make it 300 yards! It gets a little easier each time though, I'm up to just over 2 miles each time now. Stick with it man I have confidence in you! Start slow and don't "skip" anything and you will do great.
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Offline fido dog

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2009, 03:26:00 PM »
Congrats of the cigs. I need to quit also. Any suggestions?

I think joining a gym would work best also. Lots to do and a social setting as well that can be more motivating. My ex girl runs on a treadmill almost everynight at her work (they have an employee gym). She still has kind of a big butt tho.........LOL!
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Offline MikeW

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2009, 03:27:00 PM »
Go get a complete physical BEFORE you start.
Have taken a physical lately? What’s your doctor say about your ambitions?
No I haven't seen a doctor. I am a self employee contractor and currently don't have health insurance but I should in 2-3 months from now.

I have a pretty physical job for my age (climb telephone poles for a living,hop fences,carry 70+ lbs of equipment ect.) The job I am on now the closest guy to my age is 32, most are in their mid 20's. I got fat and lazy being a supervisor and now I am back in the field and am much happier. I am 6' 240 lbs I use to be 140 lbs in my 30's and actually went to the doctor to gain weight. Went on his high calorie diet and lost weight. I use to eat like a pig and couldn't gain an ounce. Guess the problem is my metabolism has changed and I still eat like a pig.

I know it's good advice to see the Doc first but to be honest I probably won't till I have insurance. I'll be careful. I know how to watch my heart rate and blood pressure.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever have a weight problem or be so short winded.
I use to run at 9000' elevation and it was nothing. I smoked then too. Getting old and letting yourself go sucks!

by far the best for me has been a membership at a fitness center.
I travel too much. I spend more time in hotels than I do at home.

Thx. for the words of encouragement folks...much appreciate! Keep the advice coming.
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Offline MikeW

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2009, 03:36:00 PM »
Built better and cheaper usually don’t go together.
I know but I've done a lot of research online about these kind of home gyms and more expensive doesn't always mean better. I've spent two weeks reading customer reviews and processional reviews on them.

You know I gave up the cigs last August, If I can do it I know you can! The only downside is the 20 pounds that found me! I have been jogging every other day for almost a month now the first day I didn't make it 300 yards! It gets a little easier each time though, I'm up to just over 2 miles each time now. Stick with it man I have confidence in you! Start slow and don't "skip" anything and you will do great.
I'm quitting this time even it kills me.

Congrats of the cigs. I need to quit also. Any suggestions?
Well this how I am doing it...cold turkey.
1. Psyche myself up for a week on how bad it is for you not to mention the $$$ I piss away killing myself with them. Get mad at them. Disgusted with them.

2. Big fat rubber band on the wrist...snap it hard(make it hurt)every time you have a craving.
Negative pain training. Your brain thinks Nicotine is a good thing you have to teach it that it is not. Sounds silly but it works.

3. GNC flush kit and lots of water plus a mega man vita pak.

4. Know your smoking triggers and be ready to deal with them.
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.

Offline Hattrick

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2009, 03:48:00 PM »
Just my take on this i`ve been around   gym`s a bit, an have a total gym machine an all the other stuff including free weights.. I beleive one reason why most of bowflexs an total gyms end up sitting around an becoming a coat rack is cuz they are boring an vary limited. For about same $ or a little more u can get a set from body solid or Dicks that has free weights,power rack(wick makes it safe working out alone, smith machine an high an low cables with adjustable bench all in one unit with 300pd Olympic weight set that`s made to last forever. That gives you the option to use free weights or controlled movements..And the resell value is much better.Thats what i would do if i had it do all over instead of buying all those individual pieces an the total gym. The only thing i use my total gym for is  stretching an get up a sweat..If want i`ll look up sum pieces that  i would recommend an will pm ya... good luck

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2009, 04:00:00 PM »
This sounds a little odd but it works, if you break ur meals down too 6-7 a day eating a little every 2hrs instead of 1 or 2 big meals a day you will lose about 1-2pds a week. This keeps ur metabolism burning fat an building lean muscle

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2009, 04:04:00 PM »
This sounds a little odd but it works, if you break ur meals down too 6-7 a day eating a little every 2hrs instead of 1 or 2 big meals a day you will lose about 1-2pds a week. This keeps ur metabolism burning fat an building lean muscle.. This is a little trick i do that keeps me motivated is i line up a hunt... treat ur self to elk   :thumbsup:

Offline Fritz

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2009, 04:06:00 PM »

Congrats on deciding to get healthy.  As others have stated try to get a physical first.  Remember to start very slowly with your excercise and build up.  Your body needs time to adjust to the new demands you will be placing on it.

Good Luck.
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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2009, 04:16:00 PM »
I'll give you a tip that an Air Force fitness trainer out of the AF Acadamy gave me. If you do this, it works trust me. Find your target heart rate for your weight and Age. Get on a treamill 4-3 times a day and keep your heart at that rate for 45 minutes to 1 hour. You will need a HR monitor of some sort. Some of the treadmills have them and some don't. Your first and last 5 minute does not count as you are raising and lowering your HR during those times. You will be at a brisk walk and that is it and you won't be wearing yourself out. Your weight will come off the fastest this way. I've done it before and lost about 25-30 lbs in a month or so. You will have a better time climbing mountains for Elk after you do. Good luck
Mark Griffin
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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2009, 04:21:00 PM »
Uhhh.....if you are at hotels more than home, use the hotel gym.

Problem solved. =0)
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Offline MikeW

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2009, 04:57:00 PM »
Uhhh.....if you are at hotels more than home, use the hotel gym.

Problem solved. =0)
Nice thought but I pay for the hotels I stay at and I stay at the cheap places, not the dives but like Super 8.
No gyms at these places. When the customer is paying I do.
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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2009, 05:31:00 PM »

I just had my 49th Bday.  I started going to the gym about a year and a half ago;  same thing, short of breath, gained weight the last few years, etc.  Went last fall for a "STRESS/ECHO" and they found three blockages over 90%.  Doctor said he "loses" 4-5 guys every year during hunting season.  Had bypass surgery October 2, recovery has been steady...fortunately they found the problem before there was any damage to the heart muscle...

I know that the cost of a checkup is a burden, but none of that matters if your heart blows up.

Good Luck!   :thumbsup:  

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Re: Getting in shape...Total Gym?
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2009, 05:35:00 PM »
quitting the cigs:   I had to quit drinking my jack and cokes while I was quitting smoking.  they just went together to well...;}

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