I love it.
51 @ 28", 62" long and feels like I have a cotton ball in my hand.
I have a Blackfeather and really like the way it shot so I went to Mr. Patton's house and tried some of his other bows. After trying them all I asked him to make me a Dalton for the next installment for my future collection of Crow Creek bows. Some day I'll have one of each.
This is my first bow that wasn't cut past center so I had to get on tradgang to see what I needed to do to get my arrows shooting straight. It was kind of odd seeing my arrow pointing to the left without even drawing. The info from my fellow trad gangers was solid as always and I now have another great shooting bow. With a CE 150 @ 30" and 145 gr up front this bow will flat out shoot.
I'm sure with a little more practice my groups will shrink but then again I'm not complaining about how I'm shooting right now.