I have area on our property that the birds seem to roost in or near year after year, not exact trees but areas they will roost in almost any tree but they like a horizontial limb they can get up and down easily. Like Curt I find it's good to go listn at daylight for bierds and try to get a pattern down. The mature birds seem to stick to these more than the jakes or toms without hens. Nothing takes the place of watching birds and scouting. I am a good caller but most of my birds especially the 3yr old plus birds with big spurs come from knowing what they do and were they do it. I only call as much as needed and no more, but that all depends on the turkey and his mood, but that I feel only comes with experience and failure. My dad seems to kill some of the biggest birds around most years, he calls very little and uses his knowledge of a particular bird or birds, hehas killed may birds here in VT with spurs near or over 1.5" and weights 22lbs and up wich is big around here. He killed one a few years ago that took 18 days to close the deal. 23.5 lbs, 11.75 beard and 1 11/16" spurs. I hated that bird with a passion. So I would say scout and watch and listen alot changes in a turkeys world this time of year so be ready to adapt and move. long winded but I'm only 30 and have been at this game for 21 years, good and bad. Chris