Had the opportunity to speak with Ron today and I'm set to mail in my deposit and begin "THE WAIT." So-far-so-good right? Where I'm having trouble is deciding which bow to go with - 54" Classic Hunter or 54" Lil' Favorite - any pros and cons to be aware of? I'm fairly new to all this and my only frame of reference is a Horne's Brushbow (3 piece T/D). My bow will be somewhere around 43-45 lbs @28". From the measuring my wife and I did it appears I am pulling about 27.75" - 28". Being active duty Navy and moving regularly and traveling frequently this will be my ONE bow for some years to come and I will most likely do the bowbolt system. Thankfully it is looking like I will have the pleasure of being at Compton's this year and meeting Ron and Gregg in person and maybe they will have a Shrew or two in my poundage range for me to try out. So what do you think - am I on the right path and is there anything else I need to be thinking of? Will one of these bows be more forgiving (is that the same as easier to shoot?)? Wood choices. At this time (meaning it may well change) I am leaning towards brown dymondwood and phenolic in the riser with walnut veneers, but there is that beautiful curly etimoe... You can see this is not going to be easy and therefore any advice is welcome, and needed. I'll even look at any pictures of Shrews you feel compeled to post... Thanks for listening.