Thanks for sending the link to this thread, Don. I remember "broketooth" - a few years ago he sent me an e-mail (got my name from somewhere)and after a few archery related exchanges he came (from New Bern) to a shoot (or two) our club (now defunct) held at the Flatwoods range in Hubert, NC. He was very enthused about trad shooting and I enjoyed shooting with him in our group, as I recall. For some unknown reason to me/us I/we never saw or heard from him again - until now - LOL. So many troubles or other interferances can happen in personal lives, unbeknownst to other folks, as we all are aware, that change plans/interests. Nothing wrong with that, and there is nothing we can do about what we don't hear about, of course. The only reason I bring it up is to say, "I
do remember him," - and "Hello, again, broketooth."
It doesn't surprise me that Don gave you the Vine Maple bow he made - Don, is that kind of special guy. (It also doesn't surprise me that he and John were belaboring the 12 ring - those poor rings aren't safe with them two around. Now, me, I'm a lot less "selective" and tend to shoot the less used portions of the targets