I have a total of 30 targets out in the woods for me to play with. I start the year with on a warm sunny day, taking my repair cart to each target.
I use the clear silcon that is used for keeping the cold from coming thru windows etc. I put a small hole in the end of the tube and then put the tip into each hole I see on the target. I put a little in each hole and wipe excess off.
I also have with me, spray paint in black for nose eye on deer and black for bear targets.I have white for deer for the belly area and also neck area. I have a light brown I found at a dollar store for the deer body. I purchased a full two doz cans at a buck each.
It is a all day job, but when I am done I am good as gold and all targets are good for another year.
If the target is real shot up I also use the old piece of bulap target to tack over the hole in the side of the target, then just shoot the expanding foam into the center of the hole. I let it dry, then sand down and paint....
I have deer target that are 2D Spence brand that are now in use for 14 years in the field.