Great looking bow Chuck!
Steve, your comment about placing decoys were you DON'T want the turkeys to go is interesting. I tried that one day last year hoping they would shy away from the decoy and filter my way. 3 big toms came to the edge of the field, looked at the decoy, and turned and left the way they came. Sometimes they can seem so stupid, but man, they sure got decoys figured out!
I've got a couple of new tricks up my sleeve for this year. I got the idea from a guy that builds and sells a "decoy sled". Just like it sounds, the decoy mounts on a pair of runners which is then attached with a cord running to a stake in the field and back to the blind. Pull the cord to "walk" a feeding decoy out to the stake and then pull the other end of the cord to walk it back toward the blind.
I'm adding a "turkey skin" made of real turkey feathers over the top of the feeding decoy. A combination of real feathers on a decoy that is walking and feeding HAS to work!
They can't be that smart, can they?