For a few years I played with shooting an old longbow I had. I learned to shoot it fairly well and even hunted with it a few times. The first day i hunted with it i missed a huge buck twice at 15yds. The next time I took it out I missed a spike at 8yds. I never really became confident in my shooting and I just fell to peices when a deer was in front of me. I went back to the compound without much thought for a few more years and never looked back.....
Until the spring of '06. My buddy Kris got me interested in shooting traditional gear. It couldn't have happened at a better time in my hunting "journey". I had been looking for a way to expand my experience in the woods and grow as a hunter.
I bought a new 55# Super kodiak and with a little coaching and a lot of pushing me to keep with it, I was on my way. I shot everyday through the summer and by fall I was shooting better than i ever had. Season rolled around and I got cold feet and picked up the compound. I took a few deer but something was missing and I knew deep down what it was...
The pre-dawn darkness of Oct 22nd was cool and clear. I just "had that feeling" that all deer hunters get from time to time. I picked up my Kodiak and jumped in the truck with my buddy, both full of anticipation. we drove the few minutes to a new spot we gained permission on over the summer.
I chose to hunt the upper stand we had hung. It was on the edge of a steep drop off and a heavy trail ran just along the top of the edge. the stand was 22' from the ground but only about 16' above the trail. the trail was only 13yds from the tree and it was a perfect set up for my recurve. I made my way to the stand a little before 5:40am. My excitement was stifled as i heard a large group of deer run off on my short walk to the stand. I climbed up and settled in, hoping at least one deer would wander by after first light.
Dawn broke the darkness around 7am with a perfect wind and temps in the upper 30's. With a front moving in late that afternoon my hopes were still high.
At 9am I watched as a neighbor walked from across the road and into the woodlot I was hunting, not 60yds behind my stand. He did the same thing to my buddy just the week before. we still have no idea why.....needless to say I was cursing under my breath at the trespasser and my excitement disapeared. I watched as he walked back out on the same trail 5 minutes later.
I was ready to give up and call it a morning, but I wasn't meeting my buddy at the truck until 11am, so I figured I might as well wait in the tree instead of the truck.
Not 5 Minutes go by and i look down the funnel and there is a BIG buck standing there. Heading toward me . The guy had been on the opposite side of me. Sure enough here comes the big guy. He is in the open at 20 yds slightly quartering to me, headed for broadside in my 13yd lane. He comes a bit closer to scent check the small woodlot above me. He pauses at 17yds and turns so he is quartering away, looking like he is going to turn back to where he came from.
Now the whole time I am shaking like crazy. I am having a tough time keeping the arrow on the flipper rest. I'm a frigging mess. i apply some pressure to the string and turn my fingers so the arrow is being pulled against the riser, hopefully holding it on.
He is now slightly quartering away at 17yds. I reach full draw and hit my anchor. I release...........I screwed up and knew it at the shot. i never held at the bottom of the chest. I aimed center chest,behind his shoulder. I went over the possible shots 100's of time while sitting there and knew that I had to hold at the bottom of the chest for those trails.
The shot went 6" high.........catching him square in the base of the neck, just above the scap. The Razor Shark 125 broke his spine and severed the main artery dropping the 'ol boy in his tracks. I quickly grabbed another arrow and centered his chest with it. Of course the second shot went right where I was aiming. Man I was just so shook up for the first shot..........I got lucky. The left/right was perfect I just had my mind go to mush on the elevation.
He's down and for good!
He ended up being 6.5 years old and weighed 196#'s dressed. He was a very mature buck and I couldn't have asked for more for my first trad deer. I was so emotional I had to wait for a long time before i could climb down. I wasn't sure whether I was gonna cry or laugh... I think I did a bit of both. Of all the deer I have taken over the years this was the single most moving experince I have ever had in the woods. This one deer changed my outlook on hunting and changed the direction of my journey through life.