I bought a Bull Pac last year for a Colorado DIY elk hunt I took into a remote wilderness area. I too bought the larger model since I am 6'4" and weigh 240#. For training purposes, I strapped a 50# bag of shelled corn to the frame, plus enough barbell weights to bring the total pack weight up to 120 pounds (including pack frame). I hiked with this setup 4 times a week for about 5 months. For the actual elk hunt I packed 85 pounds on the pack 6.5 miles into the wilderness area . . . tents, hunting equipment, and enough provisions for approx. 2 weeks. Nothing in the load shifted at any time. The should pads are THICK, allowing you to carry heavy weights without bruising your shoulders. The frame is strong and well thought out; there are hooks all around the frame that allow you to lash your loads down with paracord. Although I didn't get to test it on an elk quarter, I did use it to pack out a big whitetail doe last season, plus I routinely use my Bull Pac to carry ladder stands and DB Blinds in and out of the hunting woods. I'll try to post a photo as soon as I can locate one.