I guess I use my GPS differently than most here. I just use mine to get a UTM fix on my position and and then go right to my printed map, which is gridded out for UTM's. The small screen on the GPS just can't give you the big picture that a map can. Two companies, that I know of, Terrain Navigator, and National Geographic, have all the USGS topo maps by State for around $100.00. With these you can vary the scale to meet your needs, grid the maps out, and many other options, and all on a piece of 8-1/2"X 11" waterproof paper (Adventure Paper). Whatever you do, always carry a map and compass in addition to your GPS, for backup if nothing else. There is a great essay on Kifaru.net on backcountry navigation for hunters, definately worth a read. You got a great GPS unit, but it doesn't replace your map and compass! Best, Dave