Greetings brothers and sisters,
In the past I've scanned articles that most have not had a chance to read, and made them available thru Tradgang. Some (alot) have had the opportunity to read previous ones such as the " Barry Wensel - Paul Schafer" interview, "11th Hour Ram by Paul Schafer", and the "Interview with Gene Wensel by JD Danielson".
I'd now like to offer 2 articles:
"The Best the World Never Knew" by Jeff Murray, August/1994 Outdoor Life.
"A Field Man Passes" by Kevin Rhoades, Wyoming Wildlife, May 2005. An article about Bart Schleyer, a Legend in bowhunting in his own right and one of Pauls closest friends.
Please post here with your email address, or a "me too" if you'd like to receive these articles. I'll let it run for a week as usual before I start emailing the articles. They are PDF files so you will need Adobe reader (free). If you do not list your email address here, please make sure its visible in your Profile. If its set to private, your address will not be available.