Whew! That was a big set of pages to process and post, but as promised, it's done. If you couldn't go to Moses Lake but want to see what it was really like, here you go.
There's no way I could put all these photos on a web board, so I created an album on my own site. Instead of burying the album several files down in my web structure and creating a huge long link that breaks on some sites, I put a direct link on my home page index. That way I can post the shortest possible link. Go to the address below and scroll down to the index. The second item is "Archery Pages" and you will see an inset block with "Moses Lake Rock Shoot 2009" . There is a link in that box that will get you to the whole album... four pages worth. I tried to set it up so that you could really get as close to experiencing it as a web page can...
http://dickwightman.com/ Hope you enjoy it.