We're (my fiance' Amy and I) headed to Idaho Friday to spend over a week in the back country of Idaho spot and stalking black bears with Jim and Holly Akenson.
This is probably one of the coolest hunts I've been on as we are driving to Cascade Idaho then flying into the ranch, then mule packing 5 miles to camp. We will likley see elk, mule deer, wolves sheep and bear on the trip.
I hope to do a kind of hunt along as we will have internet at the ranch.
The real intent beyond hunting bears is spending time with our friends Jim and Holly, we have talked about this for a couple years and decided this year to do it.
Amy is shooting a 50# Ragim Recurve and 580 grain GT's with Bear Razorheads and is hoping to take her first big game animal, a bear with her bow.
That being said tomorrow the adventure begins we're driving to Omaha spending the night with her sister, driving on to Denver to have dinner at the P&Y Banquet then spending the night in Boise with Larry and Belinda Fischer before heading into the back country on Monday.
Holly emailed earlier this week to tell us that there were a 100 elk and deer on the airstrip and that the wolves were around hazing them as well. We can't wait to see Idaho's back country.
here is a link to the ranch where we will be staying
http://www.cnrhome.uidaho.edu/default.aspx?pid=41858 Wish us luck,