What a blessing LPM!
Your daughter must have a great dad! :~)
My daughter (12 yr) will complete the "official" Hunter Safety course this year just in time to participate in archery season for big game. She would like her first big game animal to be -- ANYTHING that she has a tag for -- but she is really hopin' for a black bear!
As an aspiring DVM (at 12 yr old) she has no problems with dissection - of anything - AND she can put one scary edge on a blade.... :~)
She has been out in the mountains with me the past 2 seasons and has seen a lot of elk, deer, turkey, and a couple of bobcats, but she has not seen a bear yet - lots of fresh bear sign - tracks and scat and rubs and claw marks.... She has her fingers crossed for this comin' season that she will have that opportunity.
Thanks for sharin' your daughter's success with us LPM - what a blessing!
Shoot straight, Shinken