I guess you all know how I feel
Fast, forgiving, and quiet are three of its best features.
My form leaves a little to be desired, and forgiveness is the thing that first drew me to this bow. I need all the help I can get, and the LX provides it. My bow is a 64", and I do believe that longer bows in general are more forgiving of form deficiencies.
As for speed, I have never put mine through a chronograph. Unless you have a number of different bows all of the same weight being shot by the same person using the same arrows chrono numbers won't tell you much. But if someone did try that with an LX in the mix my own opinion is that the results would be very favorable.
I was at a 3D shoot this past weekend and had a number of unsolicited comments from the guys I was shooting with on the quietness of my bow. I use Hush Puppies on the string.
For what it's worth, I got involved with RER and Kevin and Sue after I bought my bow, and because of how impressed I was with it. The bow made me want to get involved, not the other way around.