I appreciate a PURRRRRTTTTEE bow as much as the next guy, but what I like a whole lot better is one that has the dings,scracthes, anD marks of usage. Gives em character. -validates that they have been out there doing what they're ment to do. There are show dogs, and there are Hunt'n dogs-- I'll take the Hunt'n dog everytime. Puurrrtty is for wall hanging, or gentile Sunday afternoons casting arrows on a freshly mowed lawn and sipping tea. Not that theres anything wrong w/ that. Iam probably in a minority here, but I've got to say-- I like the looks of bow that has clearly stood the test of time and usage in the field-- gives it soul- validates it.--You just know, its been places and done things, it has history, it has character, it has life. No doubt, there are others that see it likewise, but probably are a minority. Only you can decide what gives you the most satisfaction-- no one really cares what your bow looks like but you. Alot of people would be horrified by the looks of most of my bows, and thats fine, to me they look like experienced hunting dogs, old friends/and memories. Its a personal thing-- and you'll make your choices likewise.