I've bought a bunch of bows from Craig over the last number of years. The best "Craig Story" I have is a few years back. I was on the phone with Craig about some bow matter and we got to talking about the Bear Cub. I was having severe shoulder problems at the time and told him that if I could get another of my restored antique sewing machine sold, I'd probably be ordering one, maybe 25#, to shoot until I got back in order. Well, I think it was four days later someone bought one of my machines and I called Craig to order the bow. His response: "I put it in the mail this morning. I knew you were hurting and needed something to shoot." Sure enough, two days later a beautiful little 56" 26# Bear Cub showed up on my doorstep. Now, admittedly, the Cub is a simple bow to build, but he had to have started on the layup about the time I hung up the phone on that first call!