I received a message from Terry today saying a thread I wrote a year or so ago, "A strong suggestion from BW" has been moved to the Hunting Forum in the TG archives. I'm pleased it was well received because it's a great, inexpensive idea. For those who didn't read it previously you might enjoy it. Basically, it suggested recording your seasonal bowhunting highlights via either audio or video for posterity, which would include both your family and yourself. I wanted to mention what a coincidence this happened today since I was reviewing my old recordings just this morning. For those who are not aware, I'm presently in the process of writing a new book. Unlike a lot of books on hunting techniques or opinions this one will be a collection of campfire stories and personal hunting yarns I've experienced in the last forty or fifty years. I've got a pile of stories that need telling which include sharing many hunts with the likes of Paul Schafer, Jack Nicklaus and Dale Earnhardt; to having to shoot my way out on a lion charge; a black bear that tried to breed me; being treed by a grizz; a couple black bear false charges; close encounters with world-class whitetails; wolves, black mambas, etc. etc. And all true tales. I wanted to mention the fact being able to review my old audio and video tapes as related in the archives thread, I was able to better jog my memory for detailed factual accuracy. A lot of great memories have surfaced while putting this new book together. I just finished my ninth new chapter this morning. So far my biggest disappointment is the fact I lost a lot of the great photos I used to have, which documented the stories, in my '99 fire. I still have some okay pictures but it's somewhat depressing knowing I used to have absolutely great photos that have since been destroyed. I guess that's yet another reason to record your seasonal highlights. At any rate, since my new book will essentially be hunting yarns/campfire stories, brother Gene came up with the most perfect title, "Once Upon A Tine." It probably won't be finished until fall, so please stay tuned. Thanks to all. BW