Thanks for all the positive input on my book project. Between finishing hanging treestands, plus trips to Texas, back to NH and Maine, the Quebec bear hunt, Montana for the birth of my daughter's first baby, various sport shows, etc., my summer is looking pretty full. I've been feverishly writing until the wee hours of the morning while it's quiet around the house. Normally I need to get inspired in order to write. And frankly, I don't like to write unless I have something to say. But this seems different for some reason and the words are just flowing. I'm sometimes known to get long winded
at times, but I want to make this as close as possible to my memory of the events. One of my concerns is people won't believe all this has happened to one guy. But when you consider I've been a fanatic bowhunter for over fifty years, have been blessed with a fantasic loving/unselfish family and have basically programed my life to hunt more than anyone I know.. I have a lot of truly great stories to tell. I'm also aware there are many people who will never be able to experience what I've lived. I'd like to share those hunts with them if only through words. Thanks again for all your inspirations. By the way, regarding Randy Morin's post, when I was a teenager and Randy was little more than a glimmer in his dad's eye, I went to a deer/beer BBQ at the Morin family hunting camp just off the Little Ireland Road in Starksboro, Vermont. It was only through the tradgang we discovered he later became one of "those Morins". And no.. I had nothing to do with it! BW