Good luck, lads.
Funny thing: After all my tough-talk and nonchalance about stalking pigs without any shoes (on me, not them), I got thouroughly-concerned the other weekend at the numbers we were seeing around the swamps; one that I stepped over, despite thinking that I was looking hard, having just removed my shoes and socks to try a stalk on a wee buffy, and another that got all excited and emotional, rearing-up with open-mouth, as we accidentally neared it. I was concerned to the point of agreeing to my wife's plees and promising to keep my boots on in future. Early morning and evening were the worst times, as they are more active then than during the heat of the day; night-time is dangerous, too, and one baddy tried to come into camp, and I was lucky to pick him up in the torch light as I was going up to the billy on the fire.
You'll be right, though. Just have a good look.