It is something to think about, but that's about as much as I do about it.
I saw a lion about a month ago while hog hunting, then saw his tracks in the mud that had dried.
As I was back packing about 45lb pounds of boned out pork after dark to my vehicle about a mile and half away, I did think, what would I do if I got attacked by that lion.
#1 I will fight like hell to make it think twice about what it got into ( they can't afford to get hurt ether) before I die.
#2 I'm pulling my knife and going gensu on it.
California's Mountain Lion are protected, because my state is full of wackos, that don't understand that Lions only kill to eat.
My son, his friend and I where hog hunting and he had a lion bale out of a tree over his head, a big tom about 120-130lb.
Could you imagine that lion hitting you from above!!!! pile-driving you to the ground, your done, that's all.
It's much safer to sit on the couch or watch it on TV, me, I want to live it, and having Lions around just makes it a little better.
I believe this is a Walt Frances Pic I kept.