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Author Topic: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure  (Read 11885 times)

Offline IB

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2009, 01:10:00 PM »
VERY good point Steve.

   "those little WY moose are not a whole lot bigger than the elk you are going to get."

 Kinda like, them little Hippos ain't much bigger then them Armadillas your gonna be huntin.

I guess it's all relative..........BIG IS STILL BIG

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2009, 01:29:00 PM »
One of my cleaner nicknames is "Lucky Jeff" and not just because I seem to draw some good tags.  I shot my Utah cow elk in some pretty nasty stuff 2 miles from camp, but she ran downhill and died next to a stream in the shade.  This helped out greatly in the 80 degree weather and that FS road 30 yeards away was much appeciated, even if I did have to drive 5 miles from camp to reach the elk.

I was even luckier with the NH moose.  None of the moose I saw close to the roads wanted to wear my tag, so I ended up shooting that bull 3 miles from the road, along an abandoned logging road with a locked gate.  That morning while walking in, I met a timber scout who was nice enough to tell me the lock combination and I was able to drive right up to the bull, saving at least 6 round trips with my game cart and probably 2 more days of vacation time.

I will try harder to find a good gamer packer with horses or mules.  If I can get the elk quarters away and high enough from the bears, this should work fine.
Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

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Offline Whip

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2009, 12:07:00 AM »
Boy, I'll sure be following every step of the way Jeff!  I've been building moose and elk points in WY myself, and hope to be able to learn from your adventure!
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Offline Barney

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2009, 01:14:00 PM »
Good luck Jeff, hopefully I draw my 62 Elk tag. We'll be hunting neighbors   :thumbsup:  

I'd rather hunt moose in 4 than antelope in 102 again. Hope you know someone, Tim.

Offline elkbreath

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2009, 01:47:00 AM »
IF you are anywhere near Laramie, drop me a line.  but, looks like you'll be occupied up north, while I'll be in the central/south.

Arrow Atomik, when you comin fishin and where?  I'm in Laramie, Just got back from haulin in some hogs myself, love this time of year.
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Offline Landshark160

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2009, 11:01:00 AM »
Good Luck Jeff.  :thumbsup:

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2009, 12:51:00 PM »
If you shoot an elk in grizzly country and leave it over nite you will loose the meat. you might be able to take a small 4 block hoist and hang it but there is not always a tree big enought to get it 10 or 12 feet off the ground.I know of 3 elk lost to grizzlys in the last two years. I would also carry a glock 10mm and spray.

Offline IndianaBowman

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #27 on: May 17, 2009, 06:18:00 PM »
Absolutely not Jeff. Just keep all the hunt information to yourself! We all already know the outcome. You'll plan and scheme all summer and drive your poor wife and kids crazy. Then you'll leave for the whole month of September and hunt everyday with nothing but stories of woe! Then on the very last minute of the very last hour of the very last day you'll shoot a nice P&Y moose and elk. We're not interested! Just keep it all to yourself! NOT! Are you crazy? We'll all be on pins and needles the whole time! Tell your saint of a wife I said thanks for putting up with a dam engineer!

Offline Longbowwally

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #28 on: May 17, 2009, 06:26:00 PM »
Looking forward to you 'bringing us along' on your adventure...

Wally Holmes

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2009, 10:53:00 AM »
OK here we go.

Stage 1 - Planning:

I decided at the end of 2008 that I wanted to hunt moose in WY in 2009, and that I might as well hunt elk too.  I had 8 moose preference points, which might seem like a lot of points, but in reality would only assure me of a tag in a good or fair unit in western WY.  I wanted to hunt elk somewhere nearby, so that I could switch from elk to moose hunting without too much driving.  Since the elk drawing would come first, I began researching to the best unit for apply for.  I had the maximum preference points (3) so I wanted the best possible unit for bowhunting in western WY.

Here is a quick summary of info for a NR elk hunter interested in WY, which is a little complicated:  No OTC tags; application deadline is 1/31 with the drawing held shortly thereafer; you can apply for either a general or unit-specific tag; you must decide on either archery-only (type 9) or the rifle (type 1) tag; and you can pay the regular ($591) or special ($1071) tag fee.  In general the rifle season begins on Oct. 1 but you can buy an archery tag and bowhunt the month of September.  Also, paying the higher tag fee usually increases your drawing odds, but not always.  Finally, NRs can't hunt big game in wilderness areas without a guide or a qualified resident, so that eliminated some units for me.

The WY Game and Fish web site (http://gf.state.wy.us/) provides a lot of information, as well as magazines like Eastmans' Bowhunting Journal.  I have been a BOW member for years and subscribe to Wyoming Wildlife, which provided useful info.  I had bowhunted elk in unit 97 with a WY resident in 2004 with a left-over tag, had spent a little time in the area close to the Idaho border above Kemerer, and visited the areas around the Grand Teton and Yellowstone NPs, so I had a idea of the type of area I wanted to hunt.  After talking with several bowhunters who had hunted western WY, as well as some Game and Fish wildlife biologists and game wardens, I chose units 63/64.  There was a some variety of terrain to choose from, including some big rugged country.  The 2 biggest challenges seem to be getting the elk meat back to my truck if successfuk and avoiding a grizzly confrontation.  The game warden for unit 63, where I'll probably hunt, told me pretty much the same things as STICKDP, and strongly suggested that I don't even hunt in the evenings because getting an elk down then would most likely result in a grizzly bear problem - either I'd lose the meat or worse if they found me while I was cutting up the elk in the dark.

Since I REALLY wanted this tag, I dished out the extra money for the special tag, which should almost double my draw odds.  I never thought that I'd pay over $1000 for an elk tag, but I'm not getting any younger at age 43 and WY does have some pretty good elk hunting.  I'm expecting pretty low bowhunting pressure, because I'm told that most people holding this same tag will be gun hunting rather than bowhunting.  I'll learn soon enough if this is true.
Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2009, 12:03:00 PM »
These are good tools for selecting hunting areas...


I also use Google Earth to view the areas.  Once I have the tags in hand, I order the specific 7.5 minute quadrangles and BLM maps.
Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

Offline PA Bones

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2009, 12:50:00 PM »
Good stuff Cooter...See you this weekend.

Offline vernon

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2009, 04:49:00 PM »
Hey Jeff,  Congratulation on area 63/64.  I've only drawn 1 elk tag in the past 18 years but if I draw I will be your neighbor in area 62.  Area 63/64 is a great area if your willing to put in the miles like it sounds you are.  I've heard late season alot of the elk will get down on private but I've heard some awesome stories from the backcountry of 63/64.  

Let me know if you need anything and shoot me a private reply and I'll give you my phone number.  I have a few horses and mules and if time allows I can help you out as far as packing out an elk  With that being said I am building a new house which is due in August and my wife and I are expecting our first child in August so like I said "if time allows" is open to interpretation.  If I draw my elk tag, which I should know by mid summer, I'll let you know my plans and maybe we can work something out.

As far as grizzlies and wolves they are out there and there's nothing we can do about it.  Keep a clean camp and if you shoot something lay the quarters/meat in an area you can glass and watch prior to going back and packing out.  Knock on wood I have not had a negative encounter with either one yet.

good luck and let me know if there is anything I can do.

James Kozisek
Cody, Wyoming.

Offline Duckbutt

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2009, 07:15:00 PM »
Thanks for being kind enough to take us along in such fine detail.  I'm really looking forward to this thread over the coming months.  My WY elk points are making me want to get older.... quicker. Not good.

Offline Guru

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2009, 07:24:00 PM »
Best of luck to you Jeff!

I love everything leading to a hunt as much as the hunt itself....you can bet I'll be following along
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Barney

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2009, 09:38:00 PM »
Vernon....there's no elk in 62, don't even bother    :readit:      :thumbsup:   Hopefully I'll still get my doe tags for the Wood River.

Jeff, if I have a chance at drawing 62 (since everybody and his Vernon apply for 62    :biglaugh:  ) I'm sure we'll meet up.

Sent you an email

Offline Travisc406

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2009, 01:45:00 AM »
where is your area at? I was raised in Sheridan Wyoming and grew up hunting the Gros Ventre wilderness next to Kelly wyoming. I would be willing to help you out deciding and finding spot in anyway.
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Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2009, 06:23:00 AM »
Thanks for the support, everybody.  There's a good chance that one or both tags will go unfilled, but at least I'll have some fun and will share the experience.  I'm not a great bowhunter but I do work hard.  My son will have 4 elk preference points next year, so even if I don't tag an elk, the knowledge I gain won't be for nothing.

Vernon, I sent you an e-mail.  You sure have a busy fall planned, but I hope that the house is completed on time, the baby comes on schedule and is healthy, and that you do get to hunt in unit 62.  Two votes for unit 62, you and Barney must know something, hmmmmmm....Thanks for your e-mail too, Barney.

Travisc406, the north tip of the units is at Meeteetse, the eastern limit is Thermopolis, the south border is the Wind River Indian reservation, and the Wood River is the wertern boundary.  One person who has hunted this unit told me that there are basically 2 types of hunters here - those who hunt up to 1-2 miles from the road, and those with horses and mules that go into the back country.  That is why I'm so interested in that zone from 2-6 miles from the road.

Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

Offline Travisc406

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2009, 11:37:00 AM »
I haven't hunted in that area. One thing you may check into is they rent horses for hunting in Pavillion Wyoming and will deliver. that is real close to where you will be hunting. it is called Wyoming horses. they have a website and rent all the gear too. When we guided in the Gros ventre we used there horses to fill the gaps in our herd and they are damn good ones. I know you said you didn't want to mess with horses but you drop one 6 miles back in and I think you would be a wanting them. In the back country the moose are pretty docile. any info i can help with let me know. I am about 1 45 from thermopolis.
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story....

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #39 on: May 19, 2009, 12:08:00 PM »
Thanks Travisc406, I'll definitely follow up on that lead.

In early February this arrived in my mail and I was 1/2 way to my goal of elk and moose tags....


Now on to the moose tag, for which I was a little more prepared.

I began applying for moose preference points for Wyoming about 10 years ago, when the cost was only $7.  Like most people earning these points, I wanted to hunt WY moose someday, with no specific plan as to where or when.  I was lucky enough to bowhunt moose twice before, in NH and NF.  Then several years ago, two things happened that made me decide to cash in those preference points soon.  The moose population, especially calves, began a real decline (most say this is directly related to wolf populations) so tag numbers began dropping, and WY game and fish made it much more expensive to buy preference points.  It was time to seriously plan a WY moose hunt.
Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

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