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Author Topic: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure  (Read 11890 times)

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2009, 12:10:00 PM »
Oops, this is the first tag to arrive, I copied the wrong image...

Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

Offline IB

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2009, 12:39:00 PM »
LOL.........MEETEETSE  I know folks here that can't even say that, let alone spell it   :thumbsup:  Just plan on feeding him BUNCHES to get him to QUIT TALKIN   :goldtooth:    :goldtooth:

Offline Barney

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2009, 09:00:00 PM »
I'm workin on it Vance, I'm workin on it.   :thumbsup:   Gotta get ahold of Louis, see if he's got some "inside info".

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2009, 09:55:00 PM »
In 2007 my friend Bill Allard of Utah drew a unit 26 bull moose tag (in the random draw, beating very low odds) and bowhunted much of September and into late October, passing up numerous bulls and enjoying the hunt, before arrowing a nice bull during the rifle season.  (Bill is an excellent bowhunter and great storyteller; PM me for more info. about his moose hunt if interested.)  I visited his moose camp in mid to late September on my way to a Montana hunt and checked out that unit.  I had 6 preference points that February 07 and would have needed 8 to be almost assured of a tag for unit 26, so it became obvious that I would not be moose hunting in unit 26.  So, I began looking at some surrounding units that seemed like similar country but were easier to draw.

In 2008 I had plans for other hunts and not enough time or money for a WY moose hunt, but I noticed that the number of available moose tags had dropped.  I discovered that a fellow Tradganger had lived in Pinedale and knew some easier-to-draw units that still offered good hunting, so I was encouraged for 2009.  Also, the WY bowhunter who had taken me elk hunting in unit 97 in 2004 had moved from Saratoga to Pinedale, and offered to scout for me if I ever drew a nearby moose or elk tag.

Using the data available on the WY Game and Fish site plus EBJ, I saw that the only units which offered 100% success for NR bull moose tags with 7 points in 2008 were 4, 6, 18, 22, and 44.  These units offered 3, 2, 5, 3 and 1 tag, respectively, in 2008. However, I expected that the available tag numbers in 2009 would drop and they did, at least for the unit I selected, going from 3 to 2 NR tags.  Unit 18 might seem like a good choice with potentially 5 tags, but it is a small unit and I didn't hear great things about it when I checked it out.  Also, it is in grizzly bear country (next to the Grand Teton NP) and I was hoping to get through the moose hunt before having to deal with bears.  Of these 5 units, unit 4 seemed the best so I sent in my check and application marked for unit 4 at the end of February.

I was very happy when I learned that I drew the unit 4 bull moose tag - it turns out that I drew the first tag with 8 points and the other tag went to some other NR with 7 points.  Several years ago I was applying in MT, CO and UT along with WY for a Shiras moose tag, wondering when it would happen.  Thanks to Wyoming's preference point system, it has happened!  I'm going to bowhunt Shiras moose and bull elk in Wyoming this fall, God willing.
Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #44 on: May 21, 2009, 07:05:00 AM »
Final note before moving on.  My buddy Terry Receveur (IndianaBowman) has been building poreference points also and we had hoped to draw our WY moose tags together and share the hunt.  As you can see from his Avatar, Terry knows a little about moose hunting and has a very strong healthy back, made for packing large quantities of meat over long distances, but it just didn't work out this year.  He has 9 points and would have had a 23% chance of drawing the unit 26 moose tag this year.  Hopefully I can join him when he draws his moose tag.

Next up:  Stage 2 - Preparation.
Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

Offline steadman

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #45 on: May 21, 2009, 06:42:00 PM »
Way to go Jeff. Bill is an awesome guy and one of the best bowhunters I know. Hope you have a great hunt. Looking forward to more.
" Just concentrate and don't freak out next time" my son Tyler(age 7) giving advise after watching me miss a big mulie.

Offline the ASSASSIN

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #46 on: May 23, 2009, 08:37:00 AM »
Jeff, good luck on your hunt   :archer:

Offline bohuntr

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #47 on: May 24, 2009, 11:06:00 AM »
Looking forward to following this thread Jeff!
Congrats on the tags and good luck!!!  :thumbsup:
To me, the ultimate challenge in bowhunting is not how far away you can succesfully make a killing shot but rather how close you can get to the animal before shooting.

Offline Nate Fikkert

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #48 on: May 24, 2009, 04:11:00 PM »

I was figuring you would draw.  It is never too soon to start the planning process and it is neat to see you include it as part of the hunt process.  In many ways the research and preliminary parts of the hunt is as much fun as the hunt itself.

Can't wait to follow this,


Online Terry Green

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #49 on: May 30, 2009, 11:09:00 PM »
Can't wait to hear the stories....get after em bud!
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Offline Barney

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #50 on: May 30, 2009, 11:25:00 PM »
Jeff, sent you a PM with some info for ya   :thumbsup:

Offline straitera

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #51 on: May 31, 2009, 11:43:00 AM »
Soak it up & have fun. Thanks for taking us along.
Buddy Bell

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Offline caleb7mm

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #52 on: May 31, 2009, 01:07:00 PM »
i will be following along for this one without a doubt! I have been building WY elk points in hopes of a bowhunt in 2011/2012.
Hoyt Dorado 45&50lb

Offline Hornseeker

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #53 on: May 31, 2009, 06:03:00 PM »
Wow Jeff! Doesn't sound like you need Montana this year!!!

Good Luck!!!

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #54 on: June 04, 2009, 11:15:00 AM »
Steve H. provided 3 great adventure threads recently, and all 3 turned out well (the brown bear adventure spanned several years).  I have no idea how this one will turn out and I may return home empty-handed (or with empty-coolers), but I plan to give it everything I can.  I don't have many good photos now, but promise to take a lot during the scouting trip and actual hunt.

Stage 2 - Preparation:

Two weaknesses have resulted in unfilled tags during past bowhunts - inadequate physical preparation and poor shooting at the moment of truth.  I consider myself to be in "good" shape, but really need to be in "great" shape to give myself the best chance in this hunt, especially in the more rugged elk units.

So, I have been biking, hiking with my backpack, working the Bowflex machine and even running a little.  I'll run in several 5k races this summer, with the first one in less than a month....


I've been hiking a "mountain" with a 1000' elevation gain nearby, and gradually increasing the amount of weight in my pack.  I like using a 5 gallon water jug in the pack, because if the weight gets too heavy, it is easy to dump out some water.

I've been shooting more also.  The misses are more mental than physical, so I need to work more on my concentration.  I get so excited that I sometimes forget to pick a spot.

Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2009, 12:21:00 PM »
I have been making good progress on the "information gathering" front, thanks to some very helpful Tradgangers and other bowhunters.  I have been a Bowhunters of Wyoming member for several years, so I e-mailed some other members asking for help, and several have provided some tips.  One NR bowhunter who killed a bull moose in unit 4 last year provided some great info and is even sending me his maps of the unit.  I talked with wildlife biologists and game wardens from the Pinedale and Cody offices of WY game and fish, and rangers from the Shoshone NF and BLM people.  Since the elk units are pretty big, I'll wait until I know specifically where I'll concentrate my efforts before buying those topo maps.  I also have a lead on a very interesting fellow in the Pinedale area who might be able to help with the moose hunt, as well as names of landowners who may allow me to hunt moose on their land.

I really believe in scouting an area before hunting it, but that is not easy in this case.  I did get lucky on a previous moose hunt in NH, when Tradganger David Kretchmar actually scouted my unit for me and joined me on the hunt for a few days.  I do hope to meet some Tradgangers in person during this hunt, but for scouting I have come up with a plan.  

Initially I tried to convince my family that our summer family vacation should be spent in WY moose unit 4 and elk units 63/64, but the girls voted for the beach instead.  Since my son Daniel was recently accepted for the PBS youth hunt in Utah, which starts on August 15 and lasts a week, I decided that we would leave NC several days early and spend some scouting time in WY.  I had always planned to drive to WY for my hunt anyway, so now my general plan is to take the long route to Utah in mid august, enjoy the PBS youth hunt with Daniel, then park the truck at Bill Allard's house in SLC on 8/21 and fly home.  Daniel will start school the next week and I can catch up on the honey-do list, get some work done at the farm, and make some money at the office (I have a part-time job with very flexible hours and nearly unlimited vacation time - I just don't get paid if I don't show up for work!).  By this time, I will have completed my scouting, taken Daniel to his UT hunt, and left my truck with hunting equipment relatively close to WY.

For my bowhunt, I'd like to concentrate on the last 3 weeks of September for several reasons.  I know that the weather and rut activity will be better later in the month, and I do not want to bowhunt elk once the gun season begins on October 1.  However, I'm told that I can bowhunt again after the first few days of the gun season for moose, due to the relative low number of moose huners in my unit.  So my plan is to fly back to SLC around September 11 or 13, retrieve my truck and head to WY and hunt for the next 3 full weeks or so, before heading home.  That will give me about 6 to 8 days to bowhunt moose before the gun hunters have their chance on 9/20.  If I don't have a moose by that time, I'll head to the elk units with the hope of tagging a bull elk before October 1 and returning for a second chance at the moose, once the guns have quieted a little.  I don't have a firm date in mind to return home, so I can (in theory) hunt moose well into October.  However, I'm sure that I'll be missing my family by the first weekend in October (plus I'd like to remain married) and may have to go to plan B if my tags are unfilled by then....
Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #56 on: June 30, 2009, 12:51:00 PM »
Quick update:

I'm still in the preparation phase, trying to get myself in good physical condition.  I've been riding my mountain bike, running (got a 5k race this weekend), and hiking with my loaded backpack....


I also trying to eat better, narrowing my choice in ice cream to just one type...

Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #57 on: June 30, 2009, 01:11:00 PM »
Things are looking good for the moose hunt.  I have 3 guys providing very timely help.  The first bowhunter pointed me in the direction of numerous spots to check out, and the second bowhunter sent me the maps he used last year on his own successful moose hunt in the same unit, complete with "hunt here" sticky notes...


The third guy is somebody that Vance was nice enough to introduce me to, who may be able to help a lot once I get to WY, especially if I actually get a bull moose on the ground.  I really appreciate this and look forward to meeting this gentleman during my upcoming scouting trip.

Speaking of scouting trip, it appears that my son and I will spend 2 and 1/2 days in mid August checking out both hunt areas.  I can't wait to see the areas up close and personal, and will check out access roads, camping spots, and do some hiking.  Originally I was hoping to make it a family affair and have my wife and girls join in the fun, but they decided to spend the week at Grandma's instead.  They know from experience that my family vacation/scouting trips don't always turn out as fun as advertised (several days of hard driving, hours and hours of hiking in the heat, driving old dirt roads, swatting biting insects, leaky tents, etc.)

My efforts for the elk hunt are lagging behind, but I do have some maps now and some leads on specific areas.  I have not been bashful in asking for help, and I was surprised when Mike Eastman answered my email with some tips and suggested several ranches that may allow a few individuals to hunt.  Since I am more worried about my elk hunt, I will spend more time in that hunt area during my scouting trip than the moose area.

One last item - I found this on my farm the other day.  I plan to carry it with me during the hunt; maybe it will bring me some luck...

Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

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Offline centaur

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #58 on: June 30, 2009, 03:20:00 PM »
I used to hunt area 67 for years until I got tired of grizzlies and getting snowed in, but the area is a lot like what your side of the mountain will be like. You are very wise to get in shape; the mountains are tall and steep, and you will find big piles of grizzly crap, but the Absorakas are wonderful elk habitat and some of the finest country in the state. It should be a great adventure. Someone mentioned the horse rental in Pavillion; his name is Lonnie Mantel.  I know he has been renting hunting/packing horses for many years, and has a good reputation. I hope you do better on your moose than I did when I drew (in 1984!). Had to shoot a bull, hunted 14 days in the Teton wilderness, and had cows and calves within easy bow range every day, and never saw a bull.    :banghead:      :banghead:  
Keep on humping those Carolina hills; you will be glad you did!
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Offline Jeff D. Holchin

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Re: Wyoming 09 elk and moose adventure
« Reply #59 on: July 01, 2009, 07:33:00 AM »
Thanks Centaur, I will call Lonnie, and step up my workouts even more.  I just finished my morning workout and will go shoot some arrows.  I've been warned to not expect any big bull moose in my unit but I don't mind.

Things just took a turn for the better regarding my elk hunt, as today the WY Game and Fish provided their HMA maps and I will now be able to access significant chunks of private land from 2 different cattle companies.  That leaves me with the choices of serious back-country hunting with rough terrain, big-time varmits and potentially nasty weather, and the easier low-country private lands.  I like choices and hope to see both areas during the length of my elk hunt.
Genesis 27:3 "Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows out into the open country, and hunt some wild game for me."

Proud PBS regular member - if you are a serious bowhunter, check us out at     http://probow.discussion.community

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