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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Hawaii Bound in July! looking for some info on hunting  (Read 1844 times)

Offline bigislandmark

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Re: Hawaii Bound in July! looking for some info on hunting
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2009, 02:47:00 PM »
Howzit Brahdah Steve,

Honestly, I don't know the Beaudets very well as they live on the west side of the island and I live on the east side. Met Clyde and his family at a few 3D shoots. Seems like an easy going and stand up kind of guy. Easy guy to walk up to and just talk story.

Might have run across Bigfoot Bob at a shoot----however right now can't match  a face to that handle.

Oct. eh? don't know if Pohakuloa will be open or not. Depends on training. I believe that Puuwaa will be closed and open for muzzle loaders that month. You can still hunt goats with a bow. but need to wear orange.

Just spoke to my friend Keith this morning. He shot a small ram late yesterday afternoon and lost him at dark. He and his son are tracking a ewe that his son just shot. Having problems finding the ram as it rained last night. While talking to him on the cell, they were also watching a med. size pig. Maaaan----some guys have all the luck. Told him to call me latter after they pack out.



Offline Steve H.

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Re: Hawaii Bound in July! looking for some info on hunting
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2009, 04:28:00 PM »
Gotcha Mark, thought you was from Kona.  I haven't ever been on the Hilo side.

Bigfoot Bob Bates is a big white-boy.  Mid-60's by now I suppose, 6' 4" or so and a gray beard and been there for many-many decades.  He is buddys with Clyde.

Clyde's boy I have hunted with is Rick and his boy is Ricky-Boy.  Was up at "Sheep Camp" on Mauna Loa with them a couple years ago, a special place!

Offline bigislandmark

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Re: Hawaii Bound in July! looking for some info on hunting
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2009, 05:39:00 PM »
Howzit Steve,

Afta' wracking my few brain cells, I can put a face to Bob. Yes he does hang out with Clyde and also shoots Trad. If I rmemba' right, he placed in one of our shoots that we hosted last year. Yep big tall haole guy with beard (at the time). Another easy going guy to talk to if I remember.

 Will be going to kona next week Sat. for a 3D shoot. Will make it a point to find Bob an Clyde I'll tell them you said "howzit".

Hualalai Archery Club is hosting. Should be fun just shooting instead of helping to run a shoot. Big Trad gang over on the west side. Good fun, good people.

Met Ricky once. Just said "howzit" in passing. Great shooter, fierce compeititor. Same as the rest of Clyde's family.

Heard stories of the Beaudets "special" hunting places. Makes me envious that you got a chance to hunt with them. Bet you made life long friends with the family after that trip.



Offline Steve H.

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Re: Hawaii Bound in July! looking for some info on hunting
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2009, 12:19:00 AM »

Let them know I bought a bunch of Koa and am trying to decide what to do with it.  Ask 'em if they got any ideas!

(I make an occasional longbow so they WILL have some ideas, lol).  Bob may still be shooting one I made him over a decade ago.

BTW, them Beaudets make us bowhunters on the continent look like beginners!  I think they kill more animals in a year than most kill in a lifetime!

Offline bigislandmark

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Re: Hawaii Bound in July! looking for some info on hunting
« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2009, 01:47:00 PM »
Howzit Steve,

Will pass the message on to Clyde and Co.

Ya, dem Beaudets were born with bow in hand. I hea' dey take some fine animals. I'm glad that you got to experience a hunt with da Beaudets.



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