I didn't think to tell you I order my material "lightly waxed". To me, they add too much wax at the factory, and it's too slippery to be string-maker friendly.
I found my bee's wax on-line--did a search. Here's where I got it: hiveharvest.com . At the time it was the cheapest I could find. Can't remember if I bought 24 or 50 lbs--whichever was the best deal. Thought I was pouring up a lifetime supply, but it looks like I'll be doing it again within a year or so if business holds up.
I don't like using cupcake papers, because the wax sticks to them and the ridges are a pain. Two ounce sauce cups work great for most folks, and they have lids to keep the wax clean. I used 5 oz Dixie cups for my personal cakes, but I go through a lot more than most folks (a 5 oz cake usually lasts 2-3 weeks).
The bee's wax/toilet bowl seal makes excellent string maker's wax, if you get the mix right. I really don't remember which size or brand seal I used, or how many to how much bee's wax, but it's worked great for me and everyone else who's tried what I poured up. I didn't add any rosin--don't see a need for it. Adding a tablespoon of honey seems silly to me.....but I haven't tried it. The toilet seal (synthetic wax) softens the bee's wax to the right texture/tackiness. Still smells like honey too.