At 68 when I think back to my first hunts we had nothing in the way of camo, it was flannel shirts, a used army sleeping bag if we could find what was cheap from Ramsey NJ outdoor store in Paramus.I got amy first gun a used WWII 303 Brt rifle at this store for $29.95.
We had a old painting tarp that we would use as a tent, it was a full 10 x 12 feet that with rope tie downs would be drapped over a tree and tied down. Now food was not a big issue, we would take span,coffee, hot dogs, hamburger, beans, and also other can food.
Our backpack were woven baskets that were used in that time for carrying traps. My dad hunting buddy had made a carry in cart made from two old bikes that had been put out as junk, he welded the bikes frames together so we had a push / pull carry in trailer. Our goal was to camp for a week at a time in the area outside of Liberty NY.
The bow season was when I could go as a kid, I could hunt with my pearson 45 lb recurve, wood arrows and or try to get supper of rabbit or whatever. The way you hunted were a lot different, there seemed to be names for all stands like the old stump which was my Day best buddy father-in-law place, or the slant rock which was my Dad, or my place was the bent pine.
At night after we all helped cook, we always had a big fire and as a kid I would hear all the old stories over and over each year of who missed what shot with the gun or bow. Each year the der seemed to get bigger and or the miss shot bigger as well.
At that period of time in NY you could go days without seeing a buck. The doe permits was 3 hunters together on a permit to take just one doe.
thanks for taking me back to my youth and the great people I had to hunt or fish with.