Thanks again for the input! Let's not get off track here, we are determining what arrow setup is best for the thread starters elk hunt & setup! Some are trying to shoot through brick walls & some of us just want to shoot through elk! (grin) In the tests I've shared up to now the 485grn aprox arrow wt. best suits him at 48#, it will go to bat for him delivering ultimate penetration & the best flat shooting arrow. The testing proves that bow weights in the 48#-55# are best suited with arrows in the 475grn to 515grn or so weight.
A 615grn arrow or more is absolutely not needed nor realistic for 55# draws & under. Will it kill elk, yes! But so will a 370grn arrow at those draw wts. The best happy medium is in the middle. I've proven this many times myself on real live elk, not theory.
And yes, I have tested various head wts & arrow wts. with the same diameter arrows. You just have to go back in this thread & read it all.
As far as the latest tests done I used 2-701grn arrows. One with 270grn head wt. the other 165grn head wt. none-the-less both weighed 701grn, I wanted to see if there was a big difference? Both were on 2117 arrows cut to tune.I also tested a 510grn arrow with a 165grn total head wt. I only tested broadheads this time. One 2117 arrow had a 270grn ABowyer single bevel with steel adapter the other a Silver flame with the 165grn total head wt.
After 5 shots each at 20yds into the dense hog target the Silver flame penetrated 3 3/8" on average, the ABowyer heavier head penetrated 4" nearly every shot. The heavier head wt. won out even though both arrows were identical wt. But there was a 105grn difference in head wt.
To my surprise the 510grn MFX tipped with the Silver flame with 225 total head wt. penetrated identical at 4" with the 701grn ABowyer head. I felt the MFX should have went deeper but it didn't! (grin) It was a tie! But the MFX did best the 701grn tipped Silver Flame with the lighter head wt.
Now for the serious testing! I shot all 3 of these setups into 1" thick Hardi Plank Cement board with the 2 different broadheads. Here's the results! The heavier head setup at 701grn with the ABowyer head stuck through the other side by 3/8" "impressive" this is tough stuff! The Silver Flame on the 701grn arrow at 165grn head wt. did not get through the 1" it made it aprox 3/4" 3 straight times, it would not bust through! Showing the heavier wt. head makes a difference even on the exact weight total arrow wt.
I then took the 510grn MFX tipped with the 225 head wt Silver Flame & it too stuck out 3/8" on 3 straight shots getting great penetration but not anymore than the ABowyer 270grn head on the 701grn arrow. Both of these would blow through some serious bone if needed. --- I then shot the MFX at 15yds & 25yds & did the same with 701grn arrow. I picked point of aim using arrow tip at both distances so both were equal, at 25yds, the 701grn arrow had 29" of more drop than the 510grn MFX. Now examining the penetration results not only this time but in all the testing & given the flatter shooting what in your mind is the best arrow setup on ones elk hunt? No doubt the aprox 500grn arrow is the best choice!
Couple of thoughts here. KE does play a big part in ones penetration value, no it's not an end all but neither is momentum, there must be a "balance" for the intended game you're hunting! Both setups were producing close to the same 42# of KE----As the one arrow gets heavier it gets slower but it does not lose much KE in the process until too heavy comes into play with the designated 48#-55# draw wt. But trajectory suffers greatly! Too fast, too slow, in the middle is best!
The ABowyer head had a curled tip on first shot through cement board it did not get much worse in the following 4-5 shots but I was a bit taken back by it. The Silver flame head was unscathed, actually the pointed tip was still needle like, absolutely amazing. Too, it would still slice you if you weren't careful, that is the toughest head I've ever seen!
As all can see I'm no expert here, but these test prove to me why my setups have never let me down on my hunts. 9-10grn per lb is major deadly & a great balance for an elk hunters setup, these wts will not sacrifice anything.