I called my friend to see if he was going to the state broadhead championship and if he wanted to hunt some hogs, he called me back with a big yes, lets do it.
After shooting Saturday at 42 3D animals with broadheads, I was in 2nd place and 22 points down, I felt good, just wasn't hitting my spots.
We had a cigar or two then it was time to go hunting.
I have never hunted this area and was pretty much guided by a new friend Chris, put together by my friend Vince.
We got set up in a area Chris new the hogs would come by as they got out of bed, we set up chairs off a few trails to sit in why we waited, Chris and Vince set up behind Vance and I to just watch the action.
The mosquitoes where having there way with us pretty bad, as on que we heard hogs coming from the east, I stood up and got ready to shoot, they came in on Vance's side, I told him to shoot but he could not see them ( he has bad eye's ) and the twilight really plays havoc on his eye's.
Vance turned to me and said I can't see them, you shoot, I had to shoot over his back because they where on his side.
I saw a good sow at about 18 yards, the 60lb 58" Centaur came back like buddar, I let the string slip out of my hand and heard the broadhead cut bone, and she disappeared.
After the shot I heard to corona bottles click together behind me, Vince and Chris where sitting about 5 yards behind us and watched the whole thing unfold right in front of them ( they where not hunting ).
I turned around and gave the thumbs up, we waited a few minutes to see if more hogs would come by, none did, so Vince said let's go see your hog ( we heard it go down )

The best part was we hung it in a tree at our camp at the state broadhead shoot, Sunday morning was pritty funny with every one coming over to our camp to see the 3D hanging in the tree.

Well it was time to shoot the 2nd half, they flight the top ten shooters in each class and you all shoot together on Sunday.
I knew I had to make up 22 points today and I was able to come out strong, I made up 20 points on the first 14 target, they move the targets out for Sunday, some where 50+ yards, with the average around 40 yards, a few closer.
Mike Smith shot unbelievable on Saturday and it was hard for him to duplicate what he did the day before, I made up another 7 points on the next 14 targets and was leading by 5 point into the last set of 14 targets.
The pressure was off the charts as we went back and forth for the lead, I blanked 2 target in a row and Mike took a good lead, as we came to the last few targets Mike was up by 10 points.
We where shooting at a moose at around 55+ yards I shoot first and hit it low for 5 points, Mike shot low and missed for 0, he was still up by 5.
The next target was a Caribou at around 40 yards, Mike shot first and glanced off the main(Mike was shooting a Cain arrow with a stone point) for 0, I hit it high for another 5 points, and we are tied going to the last target.
I shoot first on the last target a 35 yard buck, I shoot what looks like an 8, Mike needed a 8 to tie or 10 to win, he shot low and blanked the last 3 target in a row ( I felt so sorry for him because he should of won )
My shot turned out to be just off of the line for a 5 and that's what I won by, after 84 targets.
I thank God I was able to defend my last years win and add a little bacon to the win.