In all the years I have been hunting at the Spearhead in Wyoming, my September 2008 hunt was the first to be accompanied by an absolutely dismal forecast. While there was an expectation of a few scattered moments of sun, for the most part suggested that a cold and rainy week was on tap. And as anyone who hunts pronghorns over waterholes will tell you, that is the last thing a bowhunter wants to hear.
I splashed my way over the muddy road that was the final leg of my journey into camp, arrived to unpack my gear, and then began making my way around camp to greet old friends. It's always a bit like a reunion on these trips and in truth, I come back to the same place every year just for that reason. While I appreciate the animals, the hunt, and the opportunity to relax, I apprecaite the people I have come to know there even more.
It is interesting that the connections we forge when we hunt the same location regularly often transcend the boundaries of space, or more specifically, proximity. For example, I have become familiar with other hunters who hunt annually at Spearhead through their stories and photos...though we have never met. Likewise, others have come to know me in the same way. Thus, when we finally do have the chance to meet face to face, it's as though in some ways we have known one another for years. And so it was in September of 2008 when I finally met and had the opportunity to hunt with former Bowhunter Magazine publisher, Dave Canfield.
Now Dave was shooting a wheelie bow...a fact that I took every opportunity to rib him about. That said, most people do not know that Dave also shoots stickbows and is the proud owner of a Black Widow recurve. Dave killed a dandy goat on this trip and I was very happy for him. He's a heck of a guy.