I have a 66" long, 35# @ 30" take down recurve bow on order. I plan on using this bow for 3D shoots, general target practice and stump shooting for fun. I shoot aluminum arrows and my arrows are 32" long before the broadhead is attached. I like to bowhunt rabbits and think this bow would be great for that. But, I've also started thinking of bowhunting javelina with this bow. I would like to know what is the lightest and heaviest 2 blade glue on broadheads you would use for hunting javelina? I have 3 dozen 11/32" Zwickey long broadhead adapters that weigh 36 grains per adapter. I started looking at a 100 grain Grizzly and with the 36 grain adapters, this would give me around 136 grains. I've also thought about the 130 grain STOS broadhead and with the 36 grain adapter, I'd be around 166 grains total. Another glue on broadhead I've looked at is the Tusker 125 grain Javelin. What's your opinion? Both pro and con comments would be welcomed and appreciated.