TTT Fellow Archers I am writing today to post pictures of my new "Lost Creek Longbow",it's the 3rd I've owned, and as w/ each one before I am extremely pleased.It is 42"@28",56" long,of course my draw is only 26" which makes it 35"@26" my weight.She has a charcoal dymondwood riser,cedar limbs,and dymondwood tips to match.The grain in the cedar is very unique and abstact just as I requested.The grip is perfectly fit to my hand and the specifications that I gave to Chad Francis(the bowyer).This bow is not only beautiful to look at,she's whisper silent,extremely fast,and deedly accurate.She's just like a beautiful woman,all angles and curves.The bowyer worked along w/ me every step of the way on what I wanted for my custom bow,unfortunately gentleman for the bowyer ,I am a woman and as such very finicky :( (poor Chad).He's a great guy to work w/and talk to,makes suggestions when your not sure and I couldn't be happier w/ my new "LOST CREEK BOW".The prices are extremely reasonable for the performance and craftmanship.I've shot and looked at alot of the different bows out there today,including "Black Widow" and "Bob Lee",and this bow by "Lost Creek/Chad Francis" a fairly new bowyer,is one of the best in my personal opinion.