3Rivers Archery

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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: everything i try shows weak--what is going on? UPDATED-found what works!  (Read 1466 times)

Offline xtrema312

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  • Posts: 3163
Great!  Now if you want to shoot up those 500's try one cut as short as you can cut it and then try a mid to upper 100's point.  You will have to build out your strike plate 1/8" or so.  For weight  you can fill them with something.

Also don't forget to try some different point weights with the arrow you have set up so you can make sure you are not over spined and getting a false reading from riser contact.
1 Timothy 4:4(NKJV)
For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving.

Firefly Long Bow  James 4:14
60" MOAB 54@29 James 1:17

Michigan Longbow Association

Offline fountain

  • Trad Bowhunter
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  • Posts: 377
ok i will try that today before i fletch any up.  anything less than 200 should go nock right--hopefully

Offline fountain

  • Trad Bowhunter
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  • Posts: 377
i have been shooting the same arrows with 175,200 and 125 gr points.  i cant tell much difference between the 175 and 200 but the 125 went nock right.  i still cant get the nock high out, but i will get some shafts put together and then tune the fletched shafts.  i am going with the 200 gr point as there is a wider array of heads to choose from.   it is still throwing the shafts pretty quick for a 525 gr arrow.  now i just gotta get used to shooting a shorter arrow and not having it in my field of view as much as i did a full length shaft.  hopefully i can try my new set up on a hog to try penetration very soon!

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