Since this thread showed back up let me add an update.
I called Ron the other day to shoot the breeze and asked him about the concave edge broadheads and the wear I was seeing on the diamond hone when I sharpened the Simmons head.
He told me to use the natural coarse stone instead of the diamond. That's what I did and it worked like a charm.
Eventually the edges of the stone will round over, but that will only make it work better on the concave blades... and it would still work on straight edges.
He also mentioned my comments about serrate edge blades and the KME. (I admit I haven't watched his video) Just turn the hone slightly and use the edge to get in the "grooves". Duh!!!
Ron's suggestion about stropping the final edge on cardboard is a good tip. I've done that very thing for years around the shop to touch up razor knives.
More good stuff from the "Sharpster".