I have a degentative(Sp?) disc in the L5 region that puts constant pressure on the cyitic nerve. Not fun...
I have had a lot of different stands including all the brands already mentioned, and then some. The two hanging in the shed are a Summit Bullet backpacker and a API Supreme something. Both have climbing bars (must have for my condition as the hand climbers kill me). If the stand isn't comfortable, I can't sit still. My back start spasming and my day is over. The LW I had was the handclimber model with the V bar. It was a solid stand and carried well but that little hard seat would kill my back.
The Summit and API is like having a Lazy boy 20ft up a tree. They are a bit heavier and don't pack as slight as the LW but the ability to let me stay on stand is well worth the trade off. I hunted the Summit last year in high winds, 30ft up. The tops of the tall trees were banging together hard but I never felt unsafe and rode it out. Then again, that kinda stuff doesn't bother me.
If you want real light, look at Timbertall stands. I had one of their stands also but I'm a bit,um...lets say thick, yea thats the ticket, and found their stands nice but a bit small for my liking.
Whatever you do, stay away from the cheap stands. They will creek and pop when you stand up. Buy the best harness and use it every time you go up in that stand. I have met guys that are perapalegics(sp?) in wheelchairs due to falling out of treestands. It ain't no joke. Always play it safe and remember that your family needs you to come home safe!