I took a few minutes this morning before our baseball games started to shoot a few arrows. I've just got a couple doz new shafts and started the tuning process so I carried a pile down to one the dirt mounds in my pasture where I always bareshaft. Things were going well, I was narrowing down the answers and I hear the dogs barking over in the brush. Normally, I don't pay them any mind because being game lil suckers, they are constantly draggin up some varmint of some kind (don't ask how many skunks).
I was absorbed in shooting till I hear Porkchop yelp and see all four go into a frenzied dance in a ragged circle given what-for to the center. I walked over and shooed them away only to find....Mister No-shoulders. I had my normal arrows in my quiver...first shot nicked the left of his head which kinda irritated him a bit...second shot was a mite closer and ended the drama.
None too amused....

Boy, them Hammers shore do cut a bloody swath!
The business end...

He was hit 4 times on the nose, touch and go for the first hour; he's only 25# so it really did a number on him.

Thankfully, being horse folk, we've got a bottle of about every kind of serum a feller can get his hands on. A super dose of penecillin, a butt full of banamine and he's come around with only some swelling and glands the size of golf balls to show for it.

Thought for the day: If you've got dogs (or kids) with more heart than good sense, keep yer undergrowth cut short. This is the second, and worse, bite Porkchop's had from coppersnakes...you'd think he'd be smart enough by now! Oh yeah, when you screw a Hammer on the end of yer arra, don't don't point it at anything you don't want to tear up.
Watch where yer steppin boys...they're out and about thick this year.