Several excellent choice suggested above. For more than a decade in my youth literally all of us locally shot 45lb bows, many not drawing 28 inches.
My best friend, and the best lifetime trad hunter I've been blessed to know and shoot with and while we hunt alone, we share the "draggin out" fun together, annually.
For background, between us were approaching 100 whitetail with this equipment.
He literally shoots your exact set up. 45lb (Bear Super K), drawn to 27 inches, with older carbon steel Bear razorheads, until lately, for our 120-210lb whitetail.
I tend to stay mainly with the two blades that have worked for us for decades but , while most will claim something different in results, each of us have harvested more than a few with 160 grain Snuffers.
For the past few years, the Snuffer has been my friends "go to" head but I still mainly hunt with a two blade.
WE DO shoot heavy arrows in the 12-15 gpp range and have had zero problems with adequate penetration, more often than not sending either head out the opposite side. More than that I've yet to see a "need" for.
About any of the traditional standard size two blades will give you the best penetration, and I love my old bear heads and looking for some OLD Ben Pearson heads to whack a couple with....but I'd not flinch at all using a Snuffer the remainer of my days afield.
The one you shoot best with and can sharpen the best will be the one for you,
I thought I would add our experiences with very similar equipment.....that was also used for a very long time in the 60s (concerning the Bear Razoread)without complication if on a balanced set up.
God Bless and keep em sharp.