Just got home from Comptons and what a trip. Got there Thursday evening and the rain came. And not just a little,it was a storm. Rained again Friday and the Big Tent was blown down somtime in the night. Big hats off to the folks that run Comptons, they were busy as beavers and everyting came off as good as it could. Spirits were high even with the weather. Kids playing in the mudd was a sight to see. Then I saw Greg C. and Ron L. I made jumped on the chance to shoot a Classic Hunter with foam and carbon limbs. This bow is scaled 57# at 28in. Feels like a lot less draw weight. Spits an arrow and shots so well I could not believe it. If you have a bow on order with Ron I would no doubt get the caron foam limb. Can't say enough good about the bow. Koa wood limb over the carbon lams. You just have to shoot one to believe.