So far we have:
I'll look over who else hasn't replied yet.
I have a 2 burner propane stove. There was a statement by someone yesterday that he was bringing an "expedition" stove. I think if there is one more stove and 2 more tables we should be able to have a pretty good kitchen setup.
Items to bring:
1)One more stove...we have 2 now.
2)Water containers with water-for cleaning up and cooking. I will bring 2 5gal.
3)Utensils-lets make this easy. We will need plastic forks and knives and paper plates.
Drink containers-for juice, coffee, etc.
4)Paper towels,soap, wash basin, scrub brush, garbage bags-clean up items. I will bring these.
5)Does anyone have one of those canopy shelters for shade? You know those pop up 4 legged shelters? If not, I'll buy one. Please let me know.
6)For those of us camping...ear plugs, your neighbor might get a reeeaal good sleep and be vocal about it!!!
7)I will bring luncheon and breakfast items. I will have the receipt with me. If anyone wants to chip in a percentage of the cost that would be great.
8)COFFEE! Everyone likes their coffee made a certain way and with a certain grind....I will be bringing fresh ground beans, medium roast. I plan on buying a regular old camp coffee pot to heat water in. Then I'll use a carafe and filter. I'll also have cream and sweetners.
I probably missed somethings. So, join in guys and add to this. As we have volunteers for items to bring I will edit this and mark them off. Thanks for your help! David