Could a filter be created for bow/arrow/string posts that aren't backed by experience? :D
Those of us still lacking a lot of kill experience with arrows need to pay attention to those who have. I encourage all the newbies to consider the sources. Everyone here is well intending, friendly, and usually descriminating, intelligent bowhunters. But that don't mean we know what any given head/bow/string/arrow will do to flesh and bone.
Theres a few fellers here who do know, cause they they've done it... a lot.
And lets not forget the wildcard factor. All of us who have rifle hunted know that you can put a centerfire rifle round through the goodies of two deer in a row... one drops dead, the other runs 65 yards spraying blood. And then theres the heart shot deer that hardly bleeds.
Just do your best. DONT OBSESS. Quit tinkering and enjoy what you have.