Well, from the string of sharpening/penetration/bloodtrail topics posted in the last couple weeks it appears that "sharpening season" is upon us.
I just wanted to say thanks very much to everyone who has posted about KME sharpeners on any of these threads. I am very grateful and truly humbled. Hearing so many of you say that our sharpeners have helped you achieve “sharpening independence” is tremendously gratifying because that’s what we set out to do when we started this company: help people. Reading your posts about our sharpeners and the posts that mention me in particular often leaves me speechless. (Knowing full well that I’m just a regular jerk, I still can’t get used to seeing my name mentioned anywhere on the internet).
Charlie Lamb… Now how do I find words to thank Charlie for taking it upon himself to sacrifice hours of his personal time to a do product review that runs 7 pages, gets close to 100 replies, and stays on page 1 for close to a week???... And not just a brief “Have a look at this” type product review but, an in depth review thoroughly covering two separate products with 13 pictures, and 31 individual posts from Charlie? Somebody help me out here because I’ve been typin’ this for a week now, and still can’t come up with adequate words…
To name just a few more of you, Terry Green, Rob DiStefano, Iron Bull, Guru, Vermonster, JC, Ed Ashby, Elknut, Lin Rhea, Big Jake, Dave2old, Todd Smith, Recurve50lbs, fyrfyter43, Bentpole, Deadsmple, Horner, Molsen, Fatman, Talondale, Mancole5, Bradlantz, Owlbait, Dakota Tim, Irish, Steertalker, LA Trapper, Stripstrike1, John Havard, Easternarcher, Snag, Mancole5, Bobw, NoCams, KSdan, Ben Kleinig, Kingwoudbe, L82hunt, joebuck, centar, Red Dwarf, Rick Wiltshire, DocNock, Ray Hammond, C2, Joe Skip, Daddy Bear, Drew, Amicus, Bill Carlsen, Amar911, GG, Moooseran, SlowBowinMo, Mint, Oliverstacy, Elkbreath, Deadbolt, Kentucky TJ, Longsticks, Tradwannabe, Eightwgt, Curveman, T. Downing, CJC, bayoulongbowman, Mike G, Batman, Horne shooter, bearfootin, Bonebuster, Lt-m-grow, Mechslasher, Jeremy, jacobsladder, Pat B, Bearheart, Dessert Dude, WidowEater, Steve O, Steel, Manitoba Stickflinger, Tradtusker, Bill Turner, Joe M, Beachbowhunter, New to Traditional, wihill, coonbait, Mooseman76, JoemM, Autumnarcher, Bowtie, Doug 77, Jerry Wald, mmgrode, Joker, Whip, Wingnut, Justin Ammons, ,Gator1, Drewsbow, Warrior, Traditional archer, djtjr, oneshot-onekill, heartshoth, sou-pawbowhunter, Blacktail Archer 83, Red Boar, and…
I apologize because I know I left out far too many names on this list. Many great people who have helped me in many ways but, you all know who you are and I’m very proud to call each of you “friend”.
We have a great family here at TG. There are so many members and sponsors who meet here to share whatever knowledge we may have, and to learn from others what we don’t know. Just wanted to say a long over-due thank you to all of you.